Wow! It's been a while since I posted last. So much has happened....

Ken has celebrated his 20th high school reunion, we've taken 2 trips to the beach, Kevin has started 2nd grade, and our pool is shot.
As for the reunion, we only went to the dinner Saturday night, but had a blast. Unfortunately, there were a lot of friends that didn't get to make it. But, there were a lot of people now out of state that did make it.

The trips to Panama City Beach were wonderful. The first one was just Ken, Kevin and I. The second, we crashed at my parents condo. We had a great time on both trips. And luckily, there was no oil seen anywhere. But, on the day we left while visiting with my parents, a large 5,000 lb oil tank washed up right in front of our townhouse. They had to close the beach for 3 days. So, we really missed that by the skin of our teeth. On both trips, we did get to visit a new beach...Crooked Island. What a find! We walked for miles, only seeing a few people. But man, did we find the shells and sand dollars! This will be our new "Mexico Beach". Mexico Beach used to be the desolate area to find all sorts of treasures. But since the town is building up, there is too many people. It's sort of lost that inhabited feeling for us. But hey, all in the name of progress.

So, Kevin has now started 2nd grade. That will be in another post, as I am still trying to recover from the first week of school. Man, no one told me home schooling would be this hard!
As for the pool. We noticed last week that the level had dropped in the pool. We knew it had been pretty hot lately, but not that hot! We tried to find the hole, but no luck. Oh well, it's a slow leak...should get us through till we close. Then next spring, we'll have to buy a new one. Good thing there was a hole too. A few days ago, Kevin "accidentally knocked" Fluffy the cat into the pool. The cat managed to claw 3 good sized holes in the side, not to mention in Kevin's hand as he tried to "save" him. Funny how kids can turn the story around to make them look like heroes. The cat was fine, although a little traumatized. He's been much more loving to me, not so much to Kevin. The cat knows the truth!