The main Dig Site pool was actually right around the corner from our room in the Ranchos section. First stop, of course, is the small wading pool. Kevin just loves those sprayers.
But not as much as he loves the slide here. So off he went....
And down he goes...

Ken and I had fun on the slide too (but thankfully no pictures).
After several hours at the pool, we were starving. So we headed to the Pepper Market. It really is a nice walk around the lake. I just love the gardens here. Kevin really likes the palm trees and Birds of Paradise. But, his favorite in the gardens are the millions of lizards!
Before we ate, we HAD to find that Hidden Mickey on the seating around the lobby fountain. We stood there looking for that thing for what seemed like hours (but it was only around 10 minutes). I was determined, but Kevin was ready to eat. Thankfully, Ken spotted it. Can you see it in the picture below?
So, thanks to daddy, we were off to eat. We had the same chef from last year, and he again made a wonderful meal for Kevin. I admit, I had to try it too. Ohhhhh, it was so good. They need to put THIS on the menu!
Allergy free Grilled Mahi Mahi with grilled squash and zucchini....YUM!
After a late lunch, it was time to head to MNSSHP. We were so excited, since this was our first year of going with all of us dressed as a group. The weather was perfect too. No rain, but it was just a tad on the hot side. And it was packed too.
First stop had to be the Meet & Greet area next to Tony's Town Square. I wanted to get our pictures with Snow White. We ended up waiting in line for almost 2 hours! It was crazy!!! That may be the last time we do that, because we wasted so much time in there when we could have been out getting candy or riding rides. But, I did make quite a few little girls standing in line happy. They kept staring at me, so I felt I should talk to them...after all, I WAS Snow White (: That was really fun....and made me want to work at Disney some day.

Cinderella (this may be next year's themed costumes)

We had a great time with Snow White and the Prince. Snow spent a really long time with Kevin too. She just loved him as Dopey (as you can see in the pics below). Kevin was not happy to learn that there was a HUGE kiss mark on his forehead. He used his sleeve to wipe it off...that greasy blood red lipstick!!!

Last was Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. They were really funny too. But by this time....we were ready to Trick or Treat! So off we went (after a trip to the bathroom to get the rest of that lipstick off Kevin's face).

We were able to meet up with some friends we had made on AllEar's Facebook page, Kelley Watts and family. We had such a great time. And they were able to save us some of the best seats for the parade too! This was the first year we were able to see the Headless Horseman ride past!

Then the parade started! I just LOVE this parade!
Ken managed to snap a picture of his beloved Donald in his new costume for this season...
After the parade, we all headed over to ride some rides (and get some candy on the way). We hit Pirates first and then managed to squeeze in Big Thunder Mtn Railroad. How I rode that in my dress, plus hanging on to my wig, I have no idea! We then headed over to the Haunted Mansion, but they were closing! I couldn't believe how the time flew by so fast. But we had a GREAT time! I did make sure that we got some PhotoPass Pictures before the night ended.

Oh well, back to the resort (this wig was killing my head anyway).