Kevin had specific orders for the cake I was to make for her. He wanted it to be a caterpillar cake. They love to spend time together playing outside, and she always finds some kind of critter to show him. So, now, anything to do with his mamaw revolves around nature. So, I made the cake....although it did end up looking like something for a 1 year old. But, she loved it and that's all that mattered.
Today, we drove up to Sweetwater and picked strawberries. We have been waiting all winter to go do this again. This was our 3rd year going up to Strawberry Knob Farms. They have the best strawberries, and it is so much fun spending the day with your family picking fruit. Of course, I think Kevin ate more than he put in the bucket....Ken too. We plan to go up there one more time before the season is up. We usually try to go the week before our beach trip. That way we have a huge bucket of them to eat on our drive to Florida. Good plan huh?
Also, I may be making a few minor changes to the blog. Lately, I have been receiving lots of emails and requests for allergy free recipes. As many of you know, I have been working on a Milk free / Egg free / Nut free cookbook for some time now. Since it takes money to publish a book and market it....I have decided that for the time being, I will put a new recipe on this blog each week. These are not only for allergy sufferers, but for anyone looking to eat healthier and cut back on fat and cholesterol. To make it easier to find the new recipes, I will include "Recipe # XX" in the subject line. I hope this will help those looking for the recipes, instead of having to read through all the family stuff.
Well, I am off to tend to my garden. I already have a ton of squash and some tomatoes growing. Plus, the carrots are going wild. I think next year, I will cut back on how many seeds I sow.....maybe (<:
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