So we finally made it! Today, Day 4, and we are at Hollywood Studios. The buses were running really slow this morning (we had to wait almost 35 minutes at our resort) which caused us to get to HS after 10:30am. Unfortunately, Jedi Training was already booked up for the whole day! Crazy, I know!!! But Kevin was OK....after we told him we would come back later in the week and try again. So today, it was all about fun....and Kevin getting to ride Rock N Roller coaster for the first time (:

A quick stop by Sci Fi to get our pic in the car!
(it was early...so no one was there)
So we headed over to Rock N Roller Coaster. None of us had ever rode it, so we had no idea what was in store for us. Man....is that thing FAST!!!
Kevin is so excited as we wait in line
I can't help but laugh at Ken's reaction in the back seat!
Yep, he thought it was FAST too...hahaha

Wow, that is a great ride! Kevin would have rode that over and over if we would have let him. But, the line kept getting longer and longer. So we grabbed FastPasses for later. We were really hungry, but decided to stop by Tower of Terror (before we ate, thank goodness). TOT is the only ride that really makes my stomach flip. But I love it anyway!
The photographer asked us to look scared
The lady sitting next to me (in the back row) kept grabbing my arm and screaming. I was laughing the whole time, my stomach never flipped out! Where's that lady when I need her the next time? Oh, and she kept apologizing, but wouldn't let go!After TOT, we were walking by the Beauty and the Beast auditorium. We noticed that the show was getting ready to begin and we had never seen it. So we ran up and arrived just as the rope was dropping. We were able to get as close as possible (4th row center). But boy...was it HOT! I thought I was going to die in there! Thankfully, the show started and I forgot how hot I was. This was a great show! I can't believe we've missed this before.

After the show, we ran by and got a bite to eat. Kevin ate at Rosie's (they are so great with his food allergies) while Ken and I split a sandwich and cupcake at Starring Rolls. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of this wonderful cupcake. It was a Red Velvet with Cheesecake Icing! Oh...so good!
So, we headed out to walk off our new found cupcake love. That's when the weather took a turn for the worse. We were able to get FastPasses for Toy Story and then the bottom fell out. We made it over to Walt's One Man's Dream. It was closed last year, so this was also a new one for us. Wow! What a dreamer this man was....and he made his dream's come true too!

We then headed over to see what characters were out at the Art of Animation area. There were TONS of characters (due to the rain I guess).
First stop.....Pooh
Next....Ken had been looking for Pocahontas! He swears it was the same one from last year that kissed his autograph...yeah, keep dreaming!
Chip and Dale....they're so funny
Kevin panicked when he saw the Queen. He knew she was mean, so he decided to make her happy by bowing (yes, I know, it looks like he is stretching his legs), but it made her happy. She just hugged and hugged him. He even bowed after she autographed his book!
Then there was Captain Hook and Mr. Smee...
The Penguin from Mary Poppins...
And Mulan...
And last but not least...Mickey! We also saw Stitch (but he wouldn't stand still) and some of the Little Einsteins

It was still pouring the rain, so we made it over to Toy Story. We just love this ride (but Daddy always beats us)! Afterwards, it was time for dinner. We had ressies at Sci Fi Dine In. We love the atmosphere, and the chefs always make a great meal for Kevin. Thankfully, the rain had slowed down some, so we made it across the park without being soaked! Even though we had ressies at 7pm, there was a HUGE wait. Everyone was trying to get in without ressies. We ended up walking around the gift shop attached to the restaurant (I think it is called Writer's Stop). We had never been in here before. It was a nice surprise as we found a lot of gifts and great bakery items too. Oh....they called our name....
Kevin and I enjoying the front seat and some great flicks
After dinner, the park had pretty much cleared out. So we walked over to Star Tours and rode it over and over again, and it was different each time!

Well, today is over, the park is closing. Time to head back to the resort.
Tomorrow, we are going to relax at the resort and then head to MNSSHP!
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