I know I've been starting lots of posts with "what a great week/weekend", but this weekend was absolutely perfect. We headed up to the Gatlinburg area again for Julie's 40th birthday. I made her cake....a ladybug. She was so generous on making sure her party was safe for Kevin...ie, no milk products. It was so nice to enjoy ourselves and not worry if he would get anything on or in him. We had so much fun at the party. Kevin and Ken played wiffle ball with Julie's son Drew (he's in the red shirt pitching to Kevin, pictured below), plus there was several younger kids he could play with. There was a large playground and basketball court, so we pretty much stayed till well after the sun went down...and while Ken tried to recapture his youth by playing Drew and his cousins, Ashlea & Faith till we had to pull them off the court.

On Sunday, we headed up to Ober Gatlinburg and went ice skating. I figured it was like riding a bike. Even though I hadn't skated in 10+ years, no problem.....right!!! Who knew that getting old meant you can't do the things you used to. Well, you can, but they hurt more and for much longer. We did have a blast though, and Kevin did real well. He fell a few times, one time taking Julie down with him. But, by the end of the hour, he was skating by himself (close to the handle bar of course). We hated to leave, but Ken knew he would have a bad day at work, so we headed home. Not before we hit the Bass Pro Shop for the 3rd time that weekend...yes the 3rd time! Man, that place is awesome!!!

And...as you can see, we bought Kevin a old timer revolver, complete with holster and badge with his name engraved on it. The gun has these little cartridges that pop and smoke when you pull the trigger. He loves playing sheriff!!!

We don't have another trip planned up there yet, but hopefully soon. It is so nice to get away, and even much nicer to spend time with Julie. This trip was even more special since her 2 nieces, Ashlea (or as Kevin calls her "Ash-a-lee") and Faith were down from PA. They are the sweetest girls, and Kevin just loved them too. We've made us some life long friends. I just hate that there is so many miles between all of us. But, that's what texting, email and Facebook are for (<:
But, back to reality......the other new thing this week will be Kevin starting 1st grade. A neighbor asked where he was going to school and I replied "this great little place on Woodthrush Drive". UPS is supposed to deliver 31lbs of books tomorrow! I am having a mini breakdown thinking about all this. I keep thinking that here I am, molding a little brain for the future. What if I screw him up? It's a lot of pressure, but I know God placed him in my hands because he knew I could handle it. He has a lot more faith in me than I do. I just hope he grants me more patience while he's at it (<: This is a photo of Kevin and Ash-a-lee after ice skating (<:

Well, here is the recipe for Ranch Dressing. I wouldn't advise on doubling the recipe because it doesn't last that long in the fridge. This recipe makes enough for 3-4 salads and a little leftover. But be sure to eat it within the following 4 days, stirring first of course.
Milk Free Ranch Dressing
1/2 cup soy sour cream (I use Tofutti Sour Supreme....you can find it at Publix Greenwise, Greenlife and Village Market)
1 cup Veganaise (vegan mayo...you can find it at Publix Greenwise, Greenlife & Village Market)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley
3/4 cup plain soymilk
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
Stir vinegar into the soymilk and let sit for 5 minutes, till thickened.
In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients. Add vinegar/soymilk to mixture. Pour into a container and seal closed (I use a canning jar with a used ring and seal). Let sit in fridge for 3 hours or overnight. You can eat it right away, but it tastes better if the seasonings mingle.
Makes around 2 1/4 cups
Not sure which recipe I will post next weekend. Let me know if there is something you would like to see.
Until then, have a great week!
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